Saturday, September 21, 2013

2013 Trip to Bass Lake, Jackson, Ca. and Yosemite!

Our 2013 trip to Bass Lake, Jackson, Ca. 
and Yosemite!
The last couple years we have taken a week long vacation up to Jackson, Ca. 
to visit friends who moved up there a few years back. Well this year we 
stretched it to two weeks. With a stop at Bass Lake, Ca. just outside of 
Yosemite. The Bass Lake Resort is a 'Resort of Destination' that we are 
eligible to stay at with our new membership at Mountain Lakes. Then
on to Jackson, Ca. followed by three GLORIOUS days in Yosemite (a 
very favorite place of mine since childhood). And a short followup stop 
at Bass Lake Resort!    
 Well, here we are all hooded up ready to hit the road to Bass Lake 
and another GREAT ADVENTURE!

Here a real nice Panorama view of Bass Lake!

 Well, here we are at Bass Lake. A fairly large reservoir lake with 
lots to nice homes a number of marinas and a lot of Public 
Campgrounds and Day Uses areas.

All that Lake and NO boat!!

This is a little village and resort. There's the Bass Lake sign in the distance!

Here's our 'You Pick your Space' at Bass Lake Resort ( and we didn't have to pay one cent for anything!)

Looking down our side of the park. They have about 200 spaces, some look like they are there year round!

Here we are at Jackson Rancheria RV Resort.
Every spot is very nice 

See all the room, see all the grass, see the nice level concrete!

Looking north toward the entrance and club house.

Looking south toward the a lot more spaces!

Now there is a picture of a GREAT Rig!

 Here's the building Gifted is located in, with the Odd Fellows Bldg.

 The National Hotel which was recently totally refurbished.

 Amador County Museum 

 A couple old High Chairs

 Old picture of Jackson Main St. and Water St. looking  NE.

 Main St. Jackson Ca. circa 1896

 Main St. Jackson Ca. circa 1930

 Old sewing machines in museum.

More old sewing machines in museum.

 And more old sewing machines in museum.

 An old quilt.

 An old sewing machines in museum.

An old sewing machines in museum.

An old sewing machines in museum.

  An old sewing machines in museum.

 An old sewing machines parts in museum.

A old dispenser for needles and bobbins.

Dinner in the Orchard at Charles and Jeannette's
 Just about everything is ready to eat.

 Sam and Terry Scott

 Sam looking sharp!

 Our host and hostess, Charles and Jeannette.

 Lake Tabeaud a small reservoir that provides water for the area.

 Another picture of Lake Tabeaud.

An aqueduct for one of the canals carrying water from Lake Tabeaud.

 In the distance was a impound dam for tailing from the Kennedy mine.

The impound dam off in the distance.

 Story of the Impound Dam and basin.

 A restored wheel # 4 that moved the taillings from the Kennedy Mine.

The story of the restoration of tailing wheel # 4.

The remains of tailing wheel # 3. 

 An ore car from the Kennedy Mine.

An evening at Charles and Jeannettes before we leave for our return trip. There are 3 deer pass in the back of their yard. 

The deer!

See them?

 Here we are in Yosemite, Upper Pines space 159. 
 Looking up over our trailer at Glacier Point.

The back of out trailer and our picnic table.

 Our camping space is a little tight!!!

 Our food locker, we keep the bar-be-que in it.

 Looking south from our space. Kinda quite during the middle of the week

 Looking up through the TALL pine trees.

Another look up through the TALL pine trees.

 There's our camp site!

 Here's our space from behind early in the morning.

 A better picture of Glacier Point.

 Can't miss Half Dome!!

 Me in front of Half Dome!

A close up of me in front of Half Dome!

 Robin in front of Half Dome.
 A small tunnel at one end of a bridge.

 A picture of Robin checking out the bridge.

 North Dome from Mirror Lake.

 A recreated Indian Village behind the Valley Center Museum. This a meeting Lodge.

 A replica shack of early settlers to California.

 A replica native American Cedar TeePee.

A bigger view of the recreated Indian village.

 A grinding rock where the Indians would grind acorns into a meal.

 Along one of the trails in the Valley is a young doe rest in the shade!

 This would be Mirror Lake if there was any water!

Looking through the trees toward Mirror Lake.

Another dry Mirror Lake.

  Looking east of Half Dome.

 Robin in the woods near Mirror Lake.

 Widget enjoying Yosemite Valley.

 A close up of Widget.

 Gizmo enjoying herself.

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